Need Some Space? Inspire Your Kids With DIY Astronaut Helmets
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  • clairescatter

Need Some Space? Inspire Your Kids With DIY Astronaut Helmets

One of the greatest joys of parenting comes when you find a common interest with your kids. As my children grow from fully dependent babies into miniature adults with their own (many) opinions and interests, it fills my heart with a particular kind of satisfaction when we discover an interest we share.

With my kindergarten-age son, it's a shared love and wonderment of the cosmos. As soon as I realized he was equally enamoured with all things outer space, I was floored! And on one particularly rainy, cool weekend stuck inside he asked if I could help him build an astronaut costume. My only regret... Not making one for myself!

Here's what we used:

  • a small shopping bag

  • a large, clear, plastic container (ours was from grape tomatoes that I transferred into a bowl)

  • a pencil

  • scissors

  • tape

First we traced the outline of the bowl onto the bag. Then we cut the hole, leaving about a 1/2 of an inch of extra space, and cut the handles off the bag. Next we slid the bowl inside the bag, fitting it into the whole. Finally we taped it into place with just a few pieces of tape on the inside of the bag and voilà!

You're ready for your outer space adventure!

Ready for liftoff in their astronaut helmets and "moon" boots! These two spent a few hours playing astronauts together, giving me some much-needed space!

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